Savory Sun VA LLC has developed CitruSaver Fertilizer.
CitruSaver is a simple, powerful, natural fertilizer.
In third party field trials (Hamlin, Valencia), the Citusaver fertilizer has revitalized trees from root to leaf. The application process is simple, convenient, and uses existing irrigation systems. CitruSaver Fertilizer is simply mixed into water supplies at a ratio of 1:100. The formula provides nutritional, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial elements necessary to promote citrus tree health and strengthen the natural immune system. Unlike harmful, end-of-the-line antibiotics such as oxytetracycline, CitruSaver Fertilizer is affordable, fast, effective, and completely safe for consumption.
Revitalize your trees with CitruSaver – Save your groves
CitruSaver’s primary active ingredients are plant based and form a strikingly versatile powerhouse. The Citrusaver formulae is designed to possess anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and immune stimulating properties. With regular CitruSaver treatment for just 6 months, Valencia and Hamlin orange trees infected with the Huanglongbing (HLB) virus (aka Citrus Greening) saw substantial improvements in vigor and fruit production. Tested trees showed less fruit drop, increased fruit weight and sweetness, increased tree vigor, and larger percentages of new foliage and branch growth. CitruSaver does not contain antibiotics or synthetic chemicals; there’s no time-consuming application process or costly application systems. CitruSaver is simply applied directly to your tree’s water supply.
Locally made and sourced
Savory Sun VA’s CitruSaver Fertilizer is produced in Florida, making it easily accessible to the many growers in the region. With all natural ingredients, no limits on application, and verifiable, dramatic, positive effects in controlled tests on Florida groves:
CitruSaver Fertilizer is a game changer.